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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dream: JJ Redick is hot... 

I've changed my mind. After scanning some archived entries, I've decided that my blog is actually slightly amusing, if only to me. So I think I'll start writing stuff again.

So I had a dream last night. Basically it involved me hitting on J.J. Redick. Some high school friends and I were at a Duke basketball game, but JJ was injured. And so I ended up introducing myself to him at this game. And of course, he's hot and was nice (at least in my dream) so I started hitting on him also. He was also fairly receptive in my dream. That's all I remember.

I also added 4 links to other UNC folks' blogs: Mike, Sasa, Henry, and Kevin. Check them out.


I know I haven't written anything in a while. That's just because I've decided that this blog sucks. But I thought I would post that now when you search for "Priscilla Alexander" with or without quotes on Google, this blog is the first link that comes up. That's huge considering another Priscilla Alexander is out there who lobbies for prostitutes' rights. While that is an admirable occupation, it's nice to know that I beat her in Google popularity.

I should get a certificate that says "This site is Googleable".

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Dream: Superheroes and angry snails... 

I had a dream the other night that I was picked to be the newest superhero in this movie about a gang of superheroes. Well actually, I thought that I was picked to be an actual superhero. I was sitting in this room shooting the shit with some superhero. In flys Superman through the window to tell me that they want me to join the team. I'm super ecstatic and get a really neat costume - tight spandex, I believe that it was mostly yellow with red gloves and boots. Also some sort of red emblem on the chest. As soon as I'm in my suit, we go through the window to chase this bad guy.

But then my perspective changes and I'm actually looking into a superhero jet cockpit (a lot like the jet in X-Men). Superman is sitting at the controls, but sitting next to him is this South Asian girl. Then I realize that's more like a movie, except it actually is sort of real. Anyway, she has this huge birthmark on her left cheek which is about the color of red clay. She knows that they are chasing after the evil bad guy (I think he was some sort of crazed businessman, but I don't really remember - he could have been a mad scientist also). Suddenly, in a moment of clarity, she says "We're going to ----". She realizes that Superman is steering them towards the house of a well known public figure and that HE is the evil bad guy. It's a standard superhero plot.

The next thing that happens is the only strange part of the dream. I remember this part pretty vividly. She lays a bird. Not an egg, but a full grown bird. Something cartoon-like, but about the size and shape of an ostrich. She doesn't really have control over it and from the expression on her face, one can tell that this does happen to her a lot. The bird doesn't just land on the floor, it creates a hole in the floor of the jet engine. And I can see the bird with a panicked look on his face. His huge claws are gripping the metal at the edge of the hole in the floor. His body is below the hole but his head is still peaking into the ship. His cartoon eyes are like pancakes. He looks at his mom? for help, but she can't move because she is also steering the ship. She looks back at him helplessly.

Then the dream changes to this scene where I am in my bathroom in my old house in Orlando. There is this black snail with lime green and blue stripes on it, and it's attached to the sliding glass shower door. To get it off the door, I sort of snap/swing at it with my towel. And then it transforms into this 3 foot elephant, still black with stripes, but its angry and it has these spikes that are coming out of its neck. Of course, this completely freaks me out and so I jump behind the shower door and scream for help. Then Angelo comes in and stabs at it with a dowel, and it deflates. That's all I remember. It was weird.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Observations about the NC State Fair.. 

So I went to the NCState Fair last weekend and it was quite the country experience. I saw a pig race which was just adorable. They raced for cheeto puffs. I also saw the World's Smallest Woman. I had to pay $1.00 to go behind a wall and look at her. It was like she was in a zoo and I felt a bit bad that she was reduced to a spectacle. All the little children were staring and she was just waving at them. I tried to think of something meaningful to talk to her about to make her feel more like a person and to make me feel less exploitative. But all I could think of was "Are you really the smallest woman?" She said yes. I gave her another $1.00 and she thanked me and waved goodbye. Turns out she really isn't the world's smallest woman but at 29 inches she is pretty tiny.

I also saw Porky, the World's Largest Pig at 1,100 lbs. That was only 50 cents. He was indeed a large pig, and had testicles the size of my head. It was a bit disturbing really. He was so big that he just sort of lay there. There was also a large pumpkin at 740 lbs.

The most gratifying part of the fair is when I played a fair game and actually won. It was one of those "guess your age within 2 years" places. Since I haven't aged visually since I was 16, I figured I had a good chance of winning a stuffed gorilla. The kid who guessed my age was probably about 17 himself. He guessed I was 19, which means that he thought it was plausible that I was 17 years old. It's a bit sad, but at least I got a cute hot-pink and yellow stuffed gorilla out of it.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Dream: N'Sync and the Lego Company 

So in this dream, my dad, my brother Angelo, and I were all working at this Lego Company. Not in the factory manufacturing the legos but at the executive level coming up with marketing strategies and products. This involved mostly just playing with the Legos.

One particular day at the Lego factory, my dad came out of our boss's office and looked bummed. I asked him what had happened and he told me that he had been fired. Since in my dream world, he had worked there for many years, I was shocked and mad. I told him that I would quit also because it wasn't right. I told him that I was sure that Angelo would do the same. My dad then told me that Angelo should stay because on that same day, they had promoted him to Vice President. I said that he would still quit in protest probably. But my dad told me not to tell him since they had decided to raise Angelo's salary to 120,000. This was particularly shocking since his salary was only 50,000 before the promotion.

In another part of the dream, I was in an a capella group. We hadn't practiced in a while and had a concert that day. We couldn't remember any of the words to most of the songs that we had practiced before. And we also knew that we were opening for N'Sync. We realized that it was unprofessional to have lyrics sheets up there so we decided to sing only 2 songs that we all knew. Unfortunately, they were N'Sync songs which N'Sync was set to perform themselves after us. But we went ahead and did the songs at the concert. N'Sync was sitting in the front row. It was more like a 50's diner than a concert hall. N' Sync was sitting on bar stools with shiny white seat covers. My group was standing on the floor so N' Sync was actually at about the same eye level. Anyway, we started singing and we were terrible and N'Sync got really mad. Particularly Chris Kirkpatrick. That's all I remember.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Cameron Diaz is an idiot... 

I saw Cameron Diaz on Oprah the other day. She was encouraging women to register to vote. Her reasoning: "If you want rape to be legal, don't vote." Oprah gave her this look like "What on Earth are you talking about?" For once, I agree with Oprah.

You know, I would say that I'm a liberal, and while I try to keep politics out of the blog, this was just too irritating. Now I'm all about getting people to register to vote. That's fine and dandy, but these scare tactics are ridiculous. I like to blame the Republicans for cultivating this culture of fear, but maybe I should place the blame on both parties, because it doesn't just stop with Cameron Diaz.

Puff Daddy's Vote or Die campaign is good for the most part. The slogan "Vote or Die" is a little much if taken in a literal sense but I think he meant it more in a figurative sense. I'll let that one slide. But the ads that say there could be a draft are over the line. There isn't going to be a draft! Bush-y hates the draft. As Bush says in Stepner's daydream: "Duh, I'm against the draft! I dodged it back in '64". And Kerry is clearly no where near instating a draft. It's terrible when Puff Daddy starts to use his celebrity and influence to make up lies to scare people into voting.

The same goes for Michael Moore. Fahrenheit 9/11 had some compelling bits, but so much of it was a sensationalist appeal and taken out of context that I have to discredit almost the entire thing: I don't know what he embellished and what was the documentary-like truth. He was trying to point out the culture of fear that he believes that Bush helped create. But to do this, he used fear himself.

The thing is, to me, none of this is necessary. The way that Bush has handled his presidency is bad. And that truth could stand on its own, without embellishment and could convince a lot of voters that we need someone else in office. Perhaps not as many as could be convinced through scare tactics. But then at least liberals would have solid credibility and could win over long-term voters.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I'm your father, I'm your father, I'm your father... 

Here's a funny Star Wars rap. Check it out:

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