Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Starlight Drive-In 

For those of you who are in Durham/Chapel Hill, there is this cool drive-in movie theater in Durham. Or at least I have heard that it's cool. I haven't actually ever gone because they only show movies on weekends and every time I check the listings, it's either something I've seen already or something that I don't want to see at all.

Anyway, the Drive-In comes complete with a gun shop and weekend flea market. Unfortunately, I found out today that the Starlight screen burned down about a week ago. The owner has plans to rebuild it, hopefully within a month, so keep an eye out. Or at least that is what the local reporters have, uh, reported. Apparently, the last time the screen came down was during Hurricane Fran. NBC 17 says that this happened while movie goers were watching "Twister" on the screen, while the Herald-Sun reports that it happened while the family who owns the drive-in where playing the game "Twister." Also NBC 17 says that the owner does not have insurance, while the Herald Sun says that he does. I'm going to go with the Herald Sun on this one, since the likelihood that an outdoor theater would not only be showing movies during a hurricane, but that people would also actually watch the movie in their car during a hurricane, seems rather small.



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