Saturday, July 24, 2004

Ever wonder about the Peace Corps? 

Well, my friend Katie, who is probably my closest friend from high school is in Jordan and has been there for about 2 weeks. She's doing some AIDS education or something like that.  Anyway, she'll be there for two years and is keeping a live journal of all her Jordanian adventures, of which I'm sure there will be many.
For one, Jordan is not the safest place for Americans right now.  Katie being extremely pale and blonde, sticks out like a sore thumb.  We used to call her Cadaver Katie in high school because her complexion really did resemble that of a cadaver.  Also, she has told me that she is not allowed to speak to men, technically.  I imagine that would be pretty tough for 2 years. 
Anyway, if you want to check it out.  Click on the link to her page in the Links page. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Fiona Apple Preview courtesy of me!! 

I don't know if many of you know but Fiona Apple is probably my favorite artist of all time. I just LOVE her stuff. I first heard that she was coming out with a new album in late 2003, called the Extraordinary Machine. She had said before that she would never record an album again. So for Fiona Apple enthusiasts, this was music to my ears, literally. But then I heard that the release date was postponed til Feb 2004, and then agin til early summer 2004, then just summer 2004. And still no word. Apparently, the execs at Sony don't know exactly how to market the album, so there is no real release date.

Fortunately, for you and me, I found 2 mp3's of songs from this album on the internet. And they're really quirky and introspective in true Fiona Apple fashion, but also more upbeat, less depressing. Anyway, they're really quite fascinating pieces of music, although perhaps not pleasing for every ear. If you're interested in listening to them, let me know. Or you can download them from this site:

Fiona Apple new song links!

Note: It looks like that at the time this was posted only one song was up there Extraordinary Machine . I still have the mp3 for the other song Better Version of Me , so if anyone wants to listen to it - let me know!

Hanson Concert! 

So last Thursday I went to the Hanson concert at the Warner Theatre in DC. I think I was probably the oldest person there. I assumed that the Hanson audience had grown up with them and would have been juniors in college, but as it turns out there were a lot of high schoolers there. Since I look about 16, I blended in quite well.

The big news is that I walked by Taylor Hanson as he was wandering around near his tour bus. He had this goofy smile/smirk on his face. And I was on my cell phone at the same time, so it didn't register with me that it was him until he had passed. His complexion is quite nice. He's got model good looks - like a skinny, tall, girl-like prettiness. You know what I'm talking about?

Anyway, the concert was great! They could really jam on their instruments. Taylor played a mean rock piano. Isaac had a few mad rock guitar solos. I was a little disappointed in some of their song selections. For instance, they tried to leave without playing "Mmmbop" until the crowd refused to leave without an encore. But by that point, they were so tired that it wasn't as energetic as I would like. They also didn't play enough of their good slower songs. Overall, good show though.

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