Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Next big thing.

Note: Dave Grohl is still the flavor of the month. But Jake is the next big thing. That's my prediction.
Sunday, February 22, 2004
New look?
The inherent problem of Blogging.
Why avoid the aforementioned content? Well, it all boils down to the same reason that I dislike Oprah. Oprah's real job is brainwashing the insecure people in America. The ones who aren't confident enough to think for themselves, so they blindly adopt the opinions of anyone who is willing to just let his or her opinions spill out. But why should anyone listen to Oprah? Is she some guru of life? Hell NO! The woman doesn't know anything more than the next person. I don't like Oprah because she feeds the emotionally needy with her garbage about good books and how to lose weight and dream journals and how she manages to be best friends with every famous person in Hollywood. Of course, I don't really blame Oprah. I blame the people who love her.
Anyway, for the same reason that no one should listen to Oprah, no one should listen to me either. And that's the inherent problem of blogging. Anyone can write anything. No credibility is required.
That being said, I'll still rant on here. I don't think anyone reads the long entries anyway. Let's just chalk it up to self indulgence.
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Ask Grandma about life.
Help me, Bubby!
Friday, February 20, 2004
American Idol?
Anyway, now people are just throwing money at him for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! He was given $25,000 from Fuse music channel and was offered a record deal! Also, he was reportedly invited to perform at the MTV Asia Awards! It's unbelievable. And yet, I too think that he deserves it all...
William Hung.net with audition tape videos
MSNBC article
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
I never thought this would happen...
As you might be able to tell, I have no idea what to write in this blog. Comments and suggestions would be appreciated.
Monday, February 09, 2004
My new Rock God...

This sexy man singlehandedly laid down all the tracks for the original Foo Fighters album. Meaning, he played ALL the instruments on the album (save one small guitar part on one track), and he wrote all the songs also. The guitar, the drums, the vocals. So who are those 3 other dudes in the videos? Well the Foo Fighters band was actually formed after the recording of the album when Dave (we're on a first name basis) decided he wanted to tour. So Foo Fighters was originally a man, not a band. And a damn sexy man at that. Who's a rock genius. Which is why he is my rock god. And boy, do I want to have his babies.
Fun fact, he was in a band in high school called "Dain Bramage." But hey, band names are hard to come up with so we won't hold it against him. Dave, you are still "my hero."
Saturday, February 07, 2004
After all, bats are damn sexy...
Bat saliva potential stroke treatment
Enough already!
Parents shouldn't be concerned about their kids seeing boobs. By the time they're in middle school, they've probably had the opportunity to learn much more about boobs and other scandalous things during recess on the playground. I remember when I first got to middle school, it was like the kids were speaking a foreign tongue. I didn't learn all the great curse words I know from movies or tv. No no, I learned them during recess. It's not all fun and games ya know; recess is about learning how to socially function. If a school got rid of recess, they'd certainly churn out a bunch of losers who would die old, sad, and alone.
Anyway, so let's just forget about the boob. It's just a boob. Actually, let's even be glad that at least it wasn't an old, wrinkly, saggy boob. I think we can all agree that that would have been unpleasant.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Muppets are intrinisically funny...
Sharif showed me this website which features Pepe the King Prawn. It's sort of sick how he's advertising about eating his own kind. If you can only watch one commerical, watch "Crunchy Shrimp II".
Pepe's Lounge
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
It's always good to be appreciated...
"Reading your blog makes me want to gouge my eyes out."
Monday, February 02, 2004
If only I still had my Snoopy Sno Cone machine...
Also, the only Popeyes nearby is in the airport. That means, that to have some scrumptious spicy fried chicken along with their amazing dirty rice and tasty cole slaw, I must first purchase a plane ticket just so I can get through the airport security. It just doesn't make any sense!
Of course, I'm not as bad off as some people. Katie in New Orleans is 414 miles away from the closest 7-11. I shed tears when I heard her sad story.
So all you Triangle folk, if you ever go to the airport, just have some Spicy Chicken in my name. Maybe get some slaw and some dirty rice or some good ol' cajun fries and one of those buttery biscuits on the side. And just wallow in the savory juices of Popeye's fried chicken. It'll definitely be better than anything they serve you on the airplane.
Anne Frank - Damn good diary...
Today was so exciting!!!! I got a new pencil thats pink and has sparkles and it's pretty!!!! Oh my god! Jimmy farted today during Math class. It was SOOOO stinky! I almost DIED!!!
Anyway, I think you get my drift. I actually still have them. Alright, I'll give you an actual sample from my diaries. I'm sorry you have to sit through this:
October 3, 1992
Today, I went to the Fall Festival. It was fun. I won 4 stuffed animals. I got a heart, a dog, a deer, and a elephant. Dad won a bear that has a face that is neon green and then a quarter of it is blue. Another quarter is pink. Well that's about it
Oh and here's another stroke of brilliance:
October 22, 1992
Tomorrow we're going camping! I can't wait! I bought 4 backs of batteries. I have to get packed now. I have oodles of homework and I have to eat, too!! What a day.
Your beautiful master,
P.S. Not packs of batteries, pairs.
I mean seriously now people, why aren't they publishing my diaries. It's no wonder my score on the SAT Verbal section registered under "Haha - you got to be kidding". I'm sure later on that the difference between pairs and packs of batteries will be historically significant to future generations. At the very least I had some attention to details. But the point is that obviously when I was writing these entries, I was 11 which was about the time I read Anne Frank's Diary and definitely was not mature enough (as you can tell from my rather sophomoric entries) to fully appreciate Anne's diary. But now, 11 years later, I'm baffled at how she managed to stay sane in what would be a depressing, trying situation for an adult to be in, much less a child. Granted, she had to grow up rather fast when faced with war and the possibility of capture, and even execution. She wasn't allowed to go outside of this small cramped house, which she shared with 7 other people, for over 2 years?! 2 years?! And the worst part was that she didn't even know when her stay in the Secret Annex would end. It could have been another few months, or another few years. And the next time she saw the sun, it could have been because the Allies had finally invaded Holland or it could have been because someone had ratted them out to the Germans. Can you imagine? Anyway, I assume that others would also benefit from a second reading of the Diary of Anne Frank and I urge you to pick it up and read it. It's a relatively short read. There was a new edition published in 1995, I think, that has passages that had been omitted in earlier editions, so that might be the best edition to read.
Also, check out Anne Frank House. The pictures and the history on there will give you a better context for understanding the stories in the Diary.