Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Vasile = Joey from Friends.... 

So they are having a Friends look-a-like contest at the local NBC station. I think the best national look-a-likes get to go to the Jay Leno show or something. But anyway, I was checking out the local look-a-likes and for some of them the resemblance is really uncanny, particularly for Chandler and Monica. I wish we had made Vasile enter this contest because he looks way more like Joey than the guy who won here.

That's all I have to say.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

New Hanson CD finally arrived! 

Ok, I'm fully obsessed with Hanson now. I'm not really sure what happened. Just a few weeks ago, I was obsessed with Dave Grohl. How I started out with Foo Fighters and ended up at Hanson, I frankly have no idea. I'm sure I'll circle back around to Foo Fighters at some point after making a brief pitstop in some sort of 80's music (Journey maybe?).
And Dave Grohl is definitely still my ROCK GOD!

This Hanson is very different from the Hanson of three years ago. The youngest one does lead vocals on two songs (Misery and Broken Angel), and his voice sounds so mature! Not as great a singer as the middle one (who is really the lead singer), but still very promising. He's only 18, so I would say he's doing damn good so far. Overall, I'd say they are leaning more towards rock than pop. Their last album This Time Around was about half great songs that I LOVE and then half songs that I didn't really care for. With this album, Underneath, I love only a few songs, but I like all the rest. I'm sure in the end, they will all grow on me. But each song sort of reminds me of some other band: Misery reminds me of Coldplay, Hey reminds me of Aerosmith, Deeper reminds me of Michelle Branch (she actually sings on this track though which might have something to do with it- unfortunately I'm not a big Michelle Branch fan),Lost Without Each Other reminds me of some band but I can't figure it out which. This Time Around was really upbeat and poppy, but this album is more mellow and chill.

So for your listening pleasure, I am filesharing these files on IM. If you right-click on my IM name (VespaP) and "Get File.." you should be able to download stuff off of me. My recommendations for Underneath as absolute must-haves are:

1) Penny and Me
2) Get Up and Go
3) Lost Without Each Other
4) Underneath
5) Misery

but seriously I would recommend everything but Dancing in the Wind and When Youre Gone. Broken Angel is a little sappy but I dig it anyway. And Deeper because it sounds too Michelle Branch-y.

Since we're at it, my recommendations for This Time Around are

1) You Never Know
2) If Only
3) This Time Around
4) Runaway Run
5) A Song to Sing
6) Sure About It (lyrically weird, but the beat is catchy)

You can also get this album off my IM name :)

My God, I've written about Hanson in 3 entries. I really am obsessed.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

More sweet goodness... 

Alright, so Hanson's new CD comes out today. I decided to order it online from for 9 bucks plus S+H. Because I'm sort of in a Hanson obsession mode right now, and although I am normally more selective about what CD's I actually pay for, I think they deserve my money for sticking it to the Man.

They used to be on the Island Def Jam label, but when they submitted 80 songs to the executives of the label, the execs told them they didn't have a CD's worth of good material. Of course, they were devastated, so Hanson then decided to create their own mini production company. I hope they make millions on this new album just so the Island Def Jam execs can suck it, and I'm willing to contribute to the cause. So far its gotten pretty decent reviews.

On another related note, I also want to bring to your attention one of my favorite websites: I LOVE this site. It's one of the only magazine sites that you can access without a subscription to the magazine, and they really give you access to everything.

This week they have a story about the 50 greatest musicians of all time with essays about each great artist written by other great musicians like Billy Joel on Elton John and Chris Martin from Coldplay writing about U2. They usually have pretty interesting features like this (if you find this interesting, like I do). Some of the bios are funny( like Little Richard by Little Richard), some are vaguely touching (James Taylor on Simon and Garfunkel), and some make me glad that I went to college so I don't sound as dumb as Britney Spears writing about Madonna.

Oh and Rolling Stone is one of only a few good magazines that still has a lifetime subscription. It's only 99 bucks and you get the magazine for life! If I live until I'm 80 and get the lifetime subscription now, thats 1508 issues so it works out to about 6.5 cents per issue. And if you work in inflation and all that jazz, well its just a damn good deal!

That's all for now.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Googling myself... 

Because I'm slightly narcisstic I like to Google my name every now and then and see what comes up. My goodness, is it depressing!

If you Google:
Priscilla Alexander
Priscilla Alexander Chapel Hill

I'm not even among the top 10 hits! There is this other Priscilla Alexander who is an activist for prostitution rights. And she dominates all web searches of my name. It's really quite unfair. Which is why I'm going by Priscilla C. Alexander. But to search for me that way, you still have to use quotes: "Priscilla C. Alexander".

Perhaps the most depressing thing is that if you search for:
"Priscilla Alexander" blog

Todd's site is the first link and the second link. This site is the 4th link. And the third link is ! A site about, and I quote, " Your guide to hot stuff for herbivores. Porn and sex-positive links for vegans and vegetarians and those who love them." It's just depressing when I get beat out by Veg Porn.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

They're good I swear! 

So I'm just going to come out and say it. I like Hanson. I do. Make fun of me if you like; I'm not ashamed of it at all because seriously they are a great band. And they are seriously underappreciated.

I admit, in the beginning, they were a little cheesy boyband who had this upbeat, surprisingly catchy song with a nonsensical title. I do like "Mmmbop" but I understand why other people don't. And their appearance really didn't add to their credibility with their messy blond hair. They just came off looking like three orphaned and neglected children. But they can sing, and they can play. Even when their lead singer was prepubscent and had a eunuch-like voice, he really sung his heart out, with well-placed "Yeahs" and "Oohs". Now, to me, that spells talent. And since they write and play their own music, unlike some other boybands, I got to respect them.

So first album decent, promising. But their second album is seriously good. You know that part in "About a boy" where Hugh Grant talks about how the mom is really singing, like the words actually mean something to her? Well Hanson does that in the album 'This Time Around'. Don't believe me? Listen to 'A Song to Sing'. Rolling Stone agrees with me in their reviews of This Time Around and Middle of Nowhere.

So I bring them up because they have a new album coming out next week and I'm looking forward to hearing it. Their first single 'Penny and Me' is pretty good. Keep in mind, they might not be as insightful as some other bands like Radiohead but their lyrics aren't unoriginal or one-dimensional either. But the real joy of Hanson lies in pure sound. Listening to Hanson simple makes me happy, and I suspect they could do the same for you.

Monday, April 12, 2004

I knew I was godlike all along... 

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, April 09, 2004

Guys are gross... 

So I thought I had a good thing going with my "Dream" series. And I was sincerely interested in people's interpretations but leave it to the boys, who dwell in their world of filth and smut, to try and vulgarize my innocent dreams! Anyway, so now I have to seriously consider whether I want to post any more dreams. They are all messed up yes, but dirty, NO! I've some really interesting ones lately too.

Anyway, I really don't have anything else to write about right now. Checked out the new SuperTarget yesterday and boy, was it super! Bought lots of fun socks. Also saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which is a great movie. I highly recommend that you all go see it.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Dream: Haunted House 

I don't really remember last night's dream to explain it thoroughly. But at first it started out as this woman trying to give me her baby so I could take care of it. I don't remember why but it had something to do with flowers. Violets specifically. And then the dream evolved into this haunted house. But there were all these children in the house, and the adults (like myself) were trying to gather the children together so we could all flee the house. And I remember when we were all about to leave, I said something like "Let's go!" and the spirits were trying to flee the house with us.

There was also this part where I saw this black rectangular object wedged into a wall. And I grabbed it and yanked it out. It turned out to be a harmonica. And then I remember trying to play the harmonica except I was blowing through the wrong side.

That's all I remember. Interpretations anyone?

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Dream: Feast of Roaches.... 

So last night I had another gross strange dream. It involved shopping and roaches.

So in my dream, I was with my friend Katie from high school and we were living in some city and we decided to go across town to eat at this great burrito place we knew. So we're walking along this city, which looks a great deal like a college campus, very similar to UNC's campus in fact, and we see this place called George's Garage. In real life, George's Garage is this restaurant in Durham, but in my dream George's Garage was a red brick Victorian-style building complete with ionic columns. The dream George's was not a restaurant but had a small clothing store inside. Katie and I decided to stop at the George's for a quick shopping trip. So we go inside George's and immediately through the door, we entered this large atrium with brown leather couches in the middle. We cross through the atrium and go into this sort of dressing room. There were several dressing stalls in the dressing room, and in there we found some other high school friends including Jennifer and Sara G.

So we're all trying on clothes (the clothes were not on racks but were on these shelfs) when Sara picks up a shirt from the shelf and reveals a little roach which scurries away trying to get out of sight. All the girls are shrieking because they are scared of roaches, except for Jennifer and me. We both go up to the roach and attempt to catch it or crush it. So I catch the roach but it turns out to be not just one roach, but a pile of roaches, stacked like a deck of cards. I'm so caught off guard that I drop the pile of roaches, except some of them fall into my shirt at the neckline. My shirt is tucked in, so I can feel the little guys crawling all over my stomach, trying to escape. And so I reach down into my shirt and pull a few up. And then I accidentally drop one and I end up eating him.

Now all my friends are completely grossed out and believe that I intentionally ate the roach, while I'm actually gagging on the little dude. Then I swallow him and immediately throw up, and they all see this brown nastiness come out of my mouth with little roach parts mixed in. A leg there, a wing here.

So, I can't really remember what happened after that. Except all my high school friends de-friended me because they thought I was a roach-eater. And I was in a really bad mood because they didn't believe it was an accident, but I continued along my way to the burrito place alone.

The End.

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