Monday, May 24, 2004

Dream: The Engagement and the Talking Dog 

So I had a dream on Friday night that I was sitting at dinner with a friend and my brother. I can't remember who the friend was, but anyway, this dude came up to my friend and proposed to her,and then like 3 seconds later, a different person came up to my brother and proposed to him. They both said yes. Anyway, it was only really freaky because I found out the next day that one of my blockmates from college got engaged on Friday night.

The Talking Dog was a dream I had a few years ago about my precious puppy Banjo. I always used to wish that Banjo could talk so that we would know what he wanted when he was barking excessively. But then I had this dream where Banjo could actually talk and he was evil! He would order me to cater to his every command, like giving him food and taking him for walks and whatnot, and he threatened to bite me if I didn't comply or if I told anyone else about how he could be. He was never the sweet, kind dog that he appeared to everyone else; the real Banjo snarled and growled but only with me.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Another Priscilla Alexander... 

Christine has informed me that there is someone else out there with my name. And she is actually President of a dot com company. It's Distinctive and it's like this wedding registry sort of thing where instead of having your friends and relatives buy you silverware and a nice blender, they can help pay off different parts of your honeymoon. Pretty unique idea if you ask me, but we Priscilla Alexander's are very unique and creative people with a social consciousness (like the Prostitution Rights Activist Priscilla Alexander). Anyway, check it out and then send me suggestions to devise a plan so that I can become more famous than all these Priscilla Alexander's. It irks me that they are all more successful than I am. Although, I do fully support them at the same time, if only because they have the same name.

Britney Spears Sucks Wild Monkey Butt... 

I would say that she should die, but I think that would be a bit too harsh. She allegedly said:

"Anyone can sit down write a boring, artistic song. Pop music is
the hardest s--- to write." -- BRITNEY SPEARS

First of all, how the hell would she know since she doesn't even write her own music? All she does is sing other people's songs, and badly I might add. It's not really singing as much as it is huffing and puffing to a beat. Honestly, I am ok with the sugar-coated kind of pop music. Sure, most of the time the lyrics make no sense, but who can deny a good melody and a sweet beat? What angers me is that she doesn't even acknowledge that her songs are meaningless and that in a few months, no one will ever listen to them again. When was the last time you heard Baby, Hit Me One More Time ? I sure as hell can't remember.

Pop music is just that: popular music. And the thing about popularity is that it is fleeting. What's hip is at most hip for a few years and then someone else comes along who is the next big thing in popular music. So Britney can say all the shit she wants about boring, artistic songs and I sincerely doubt her ability to write one, but in 10 years, she'll have a defunct career. Then she'll eat her words. Well, maybe not because she'll be sitting on millions and millions of dollars. She'll still suck though. Maybe not financially, but deep down in her heart of hearts, she'll suck. Man, there really isn't going to be enough retribution for the statement she made. sigh. Well I'll never buy your albums Britney! HA!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


So my friend Stacey, whom I have known since the age of 5, showed me this site the other day, which conjured up all sorts of childhood memories.

So if you've never heard of MASH, it is quite simple to play. You just list 5 choices for each category (Future Spouse, Future Car, Future Car Color, # of kids, Future Location, Future Occupation), then you pick a magical number and it will determine what lies in your future. Of course, to be fair, you should throw in some undesirable choices. For instance, I put Danny Devito and Wood Allen in my future husband category. In future location, I threw in Juneau, Alaska and Compton, CA. And Janitor was under my Occupations category. My future looks pretty bright though. With the magical number 22, here is my future:

I am to marry TOM WELLING (The young superman in the TV show Smallville. He's very hot.) I will work as a ROCKER, and will drive a BLUE MERCEDES so I guess that means I'm somewhat successful. Unfortunately, I will reside in an APARTMENT in COMPTON. Hopefully, my BLUE MERCEDES has bulletproof windows. And I will have 6 children. I'm guessing the last couple will be accidents because I really don't want more than 4 children. MASH doesn't really go into those details. So go play yourself and enjoy!

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