Friday, June 11, 2004

No one has a sense of humor anymore... 

Check out this article on CNN about Jimmy Kimmel. It's ridiculous that they ABC made him issue a second apology statement.

That's the only interesting thing that I have to say right now.

CNN article

Monday, June 07, 2004

Life in Richmond-o 

So someone suggested I should write about life in Richmond, but I don't really like to do personal blogs so I'll just say that I'm interning at a consulting firm in Richmond for the summer. I'm two weeks into it and so far it's good. That's all I'll say about that.

This was a pretty big weekend in terms of national events. Smarty Jones was robbed of the Triple Crown when he placed second in the Belmont Stakes. Ronald Reagen died, the longest living president in history, at the ripe old age of 93. And the biggest news of all? J Lo tied the knot for the 3rd time to Marc Anthony no less. And I was also involved in a car accident. Don't worry, I'm uninjured, but its a little crazy anyway.

Oh an interesting story. The last living widow of a Confederate soldier died about a week ago. It was, of course, one of those May-December romances. Perhaps the most disturbing bit is that she married the soldier's grandson after he died. But besides that, she had an interesting tale to tell. Check it out here

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